Completing Your Event

Coordinate, Past Events

There are several features on the web site which help you close off your past events. These features are not found under "Manage Events", they are found further down under "Coordinate". This is because these features are available not only to members of your organization's official team, but are also made available to any member who is designated as a coordinator on a completed event.

Under "Coordinate", "Past Events", you will find a link for each past event which you coordinated. For all of your past events, you have the following options:

  1. Upd List: A detailed list of your registrants including the ability to update the list as follows:

    • Remove Registrant: Simply deletes the person from your list

    • Remove as No Show: Deletes the person from your list and records a "no show" on their account

    • Move to Wait List: Moves the person from the registered list to the waiting list

    • Add Person to List: Not available here - feature is only available to members of the volunteer team - see below

  2. Write-Up: You may enter an event write-up or notes here. These notes are visible to anyone viewing the web site either by clicking on the event on the calendar, or looking under "Past Events" on the left nav. You may format this content using HTML.

  3. Photo Album: The web site supports linking out to an external photo album but does not include photo albums as a built-in part of the actual web site. To link to an external photo album, create your photo album in any external service and copy the URL (web address) of that photo album. Paste the URL into the Photo Album URL and click "Submit". The photo album will be linked on your event's write-up page via the "Promo Photo" which you entered when you set up your event. If you did not set up a "Promo Photo" a generic "Click Here for Photo Album" link will be shown. If you wish to add a "Promo Photo" at this time, you may go in under "Manage Events", "Past" and upload a "Promo Photo" which will become the link to your photo album.

  4. E-Mail: Creates an e-mail message for you which may contain a template defined by your organization. Modify it however you wish and click "Send" to send the e-mail to everyone on the registration list.

  5. Waivers: Click the box for each person who you collected a waiver from for this event. Only members who do not have a waiver on file will appear on this list.

Other Features for Completing Your Event:

In addition to the features available under "Coordinate", you may also wish to do the following:
  1. Add Member to Event: Use the "Add Member to Event" link under the "Volunteer" area to add someone who attended but was not on the list.

  2. Reverse a No-Show: If you wish to reverse a "No Show" which you recorded for someone, you can go to the "No Shows" link in the Volunteer area. Scroll to the person on the list and click the "Reverse" link to reverse the no-show. You will only see the "Reverse" link for events which you coordinated.

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