This trip is going into the sometimes challenging backcountry terrain at Roger Pass, but we will target the easier runs. Participants considering this trip should have had at least a full season of backcountry skiing under their belt. Ideally, we will carpool in 2 groups/vehicles. My small car can fit comfortably only 3 persons with gear, so I prefer not to drive.
There are 2 departure time options on this trip. Option 1: -Day 1: Leave town around 5 am and drive to Rogers Pass. Ski moderate terrain (e.g. up Connaught Creek/Balu Pass Trail) for 5h until approximately 4 pm, then head to the hut Option 2: -Day 1: Leave town later in the day, and meet at the hut by 9 pm. -Day 2: backountry skiing from hut, possibly head towards Asulkan pass, 8 hours -Day 3: backountry skiing from hut, possibly up the Illecillewaet river bed, 8 hours -Day 4: backountry skiing from Rogers pass, possibly Grizzly Shoulder, drive back to Calgary
See more suggestions here: Rogers Access | Mountains, Douglas Sproul 2016 Once at the hut, our larger group could also split in 2 and access different skiing terrain.
We will coordinate two group dinners (Friday & Sat) in 2 groups of 4 chefs. Details to follow. Meals on Thursday night are individually arranged. I will create later a separate communication channel (email or WhatsApp) to finalize the trip planning, including meals and ski runs/terrain, based on participants' preferences.
Hut fees are $60/night per person, for a total of $180/p. Return carpooling fees are approximately 670 km x $0.24/km = $160/vehicle.
To join the trip, send me by email the following info: 1) If we have not skied together before, a short paragraph (3-4 lines) about your ski/mountain experience. 2) Let me know if you want to join the trip from Thursday morning (4 days of skiing) or from Thursday night (3 days of skiing). Participants joining for 4 days of skiing will be selected first. 3) Let me know if you can drive, how many people with gear your vehicle can accommodate (ideally 4), and where you live in town (or suggested carpooling departure point). Drivers will be selected first. If selected to join the trip I will let you know you can proceed with your payment to the ACC, and upon receiving your payment confirmation, I will move your name from the waitlist to the attendees list. Once you have paid for your spot, the Cancellation statement below applies. Contact me for any questions.