Asulkan Hut New Years' Trip - Friday, Dec 30, 2022

The Basics:
Event Type: Skiing 
Event Location: Asulkan Hut - Glacier National Park 
Date(s) & Time:   Friday, Dec 30, 2022 07:00 AM (Carpool Departure: 04:30 PM @ Calgary (leaving Dec 29), location TBD)  
Registration Cut Off:   Wednesday, Dec 14, 2022 06:00 PM  
Event Duration: 3 Nights - 4 Days 
Difficulty Rating:   D4 - See Conversion Chart  
Trip Coordinator(s):   Kate Snedeker

Participant Info:
Who's Invited:   Members Only  
Attendee Screening:   Attendees are Pre-Screened
Maximum Group Size: 10
Minimum Group Size: 3
Number Registered So Far:   10 (View sign-ups, waiting list)
Are Dogs Permitted:   No


Note: If you are interested, place yourself on the wait list.  Acceptance of persons on the trip will be at the discretion of the coordinator, not first-come, first-serve.  If you are accepted, you will be required to submit payment prior to being shifted to the registered list.

Celebrate New Years' at Asulkan Hut!

Come join fellow YYC AACers for three nights at the Asulkan Hut, allowing for 2+ full days and 2 partial days of skiing the lovely Rogers Pass powder. 

Please note that due to the possibility of highway closures and high avalanche risk, trip leaders will make a final decision on the trip by the evening December 28.  Participants should plan on being within cell/internet contact that evening, and being in Golden by the evening of December 29.  We may be able to meet people at the trailhead, but we will not wait for latecomers, and it's preferable to sort/pack group gear & food inside rather than in a snowy parking lot!

Cost: $184 (includes three nights at the hut/wilderness passes)

Dec 29 - drive to Golden, stay at motel (TBD)

Dec 30 - ski to the hut, drop gear (if arrive before check in time), ski, unpack

Dec 31 - ski!

Jan 1 - ski!

Jan 2 - conditions permitting pack up, ski, and ski out to the trailhead


The ski up to the hut and skiing in the vicinity of the hut involves complex avalanche terrain.  Once at the hut, avalanche & weather conditions permitting, there are a variety of ski options available including glaciated terrain (glacier gear required).  Once at the hut, decisions regarding daily ski objectives will be made based on conditions, fitness and group interests.  All participants are encouraged/expected to participate in discussions about avalanche risk/conditions/route selection.  The group may split into smaller groups, though every group must include a section ski/trip leader.

The hut is a 3-5 hour ski  from the Illecillewaet parking lot -- approximately 900m gain over 7km.

Details on the area and ski routes are available here: and in Douglas Sproul's books/maps:


Given the ski/avalanche terrain and, participants should be strong skiers capable of skiing with a multi-day pack up to the hut (~900m gain) and skiing long days in a variety of backcountry conditions.  All participants  must have AST2  (equivalent experience may be accepted- contact the coordinator), crevasse rescue training and if at all possible, have previous experience with hut based backcountry ski trips.  All persons driving must have a valid Parks Canada Pass & overnight permit.

While the Winter Permit is not required for skiing to the hut or the area around the hut, participants are strongly suggested to obtain a free yearly permit ( in case conditions/road closures prohibit us from being able to access the hut.


We have the entire hut booked -- there is space for 10 with bunks upstairs (loft) and kitchen/common area on the lower level.  There are outhouses, propane stoves/heat/lanterns.  There is generally cell service, but no electricity at the hut.  Everyone will be responsible for helping out with chores including melting snow for water.

Meals will be further discussed closer to the date, but kitchen space is limited so the plan is for group dinners (dehydrated).  Participants will be responsible for their own breakfast, lunch and snacks - again given limited space/cleaning abilities, plan on boil in a bag or one pot meals.  Any participants with allergies/sensitivities/vegan/vegetarian should let the coordinator know at the time of acceptance onto the trip. 

The trip will be no smoking (of any kind).

Any questions, please contact Kate at

Required Items to Bring:

Ski/split board, skins, poles

Avalanche gear (3 antennae beacon, probe (pref. at least 300cm), shovel

Mountaineering/ski mountaineering axe

Harness + crevasse rescue gear (prussik, sling, 3 lockers, 2 non lockers, etc.)

Sleeping bag (hut has heat, but can be cold, so at least 0c)

Repair gear specific to skis/split

Hat, mitts/gloves


Gore-tex (or equivalent) jacket and pants

Sufficient layers for skiing

Hut clothes

Food for breakfast, lunch & snacks

Pack sufficient size for group and personal gear


Toilet paper and personal items (toothpaste, toothbrush etc)

Face mask (in case of COVID infection(s) and/or emergency evacuation)

Hand sanitizer


Headlamp & extra batteries

Recommended Items to Bring:

Group gear (inReach, repair kits, med kits, radios, rope, snow study kit, smoke detector batteries) will be discussed to spread the load amongst the group)

Hut booties

Thermos for hot drinks/soup

Ski/boot crampons (will discuss objectives/conditions close to the date)

Feel free to bring lightweight hut games, any beverages you are willing to ski up and any treats for New Years' :)

How to Get There:
Carpool Departure Time:   04:30 PM
Carpool Location:   Calgary (leaving Dec 29), location TBD
Carpool Directions:  

Carpool(s) will leave from Calgary on December 29 with a stay in Golden (inexpensive motel, depending on availability and participant choice).  Cost of accommodation for the night of Dec 29th will be in addition to the payment below.

Carpools will be arranged once the participant list is finalized.  Given the potential for highway closures/poor weather, it is strongly suggested that participants plan to stay in Golden the night of December 29th.  If participants opt to drive on the morning of the 30th, they are responsible for getting to the trailhead on time & with an overnight permit -- the group will not wait for latecomers and there will be no refunds if participants are not able to get to the trailhead. 

Note that all cars parking at the trailhead MUST have an overnight pass from Parks Canada.  When carpool arrangements are finalized, the coordinator will provide the reservation number to all drivers so they can obtain the pass via phone or in person.


The trip will abide by current COVID policies in AB and BC at the time of the trip.  Participants should not come if they are ill with symptoms of COVID not related to pre-existing conditions or have been a close contact of someone with COVID in the 7 days prior to the event, and are very, very strongly encouraged to be up to date with COVID vaccinations and boosters.

Payment Options:
  • Member $184.00 CAD

Please note that the ACC does not provide refunds for hut fees for any reason, including high avalanche risk and highway/trail closures.  As such, once payment is received, no refunds will be available. 

Should conditions and/or closures make it impossible or unsafe to access the hut - or require an early departure, we will try to make alternate plans for skiing.  However, any alternate accommodation will be additional and paid by the participants.

If you have to withdraw from the trip once payment is made,  it is your responsibility to find a qualified replacement.  If you need to withdrawal, first please let the coordinator know at your earliest convenience.  If there is a wait list, I will help contact someone on that list, otherwise the participant can direct other qualified section members to contact the coordinator with regards to taking the spot.

Cancellation Policy
If a participant is unable to attend a paid course or trip, there will be no refund unless the participant finds a suitable replacement that is acceptable to the trip coordinator. Acceptable waiting list candidates will have priority. It will then be the participant's responsibility to recover funds from the replacement. If the coordinator cancels an event, participants get a refund (less any non-recoverable costs). Note that ACC National does not refund hut fees due to weather, delay, closures, or any other reasons. The Calgary Section of the ACC is a not for profit club and we only charge attendees what it costs us to provide courses or trips.

Trip Feedback
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, concerning this trip or any other, we want to hear from you! You can send any feedback you may have to the Section Chair.

Registration for this event closed on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 at 06:00 PM.