As of Dec 22 the listed price is for 4 people (300+GST), if we get a 5th person the price will drop to $252 including GST.
A course to improve your group leadership skills for those who have already done AST2. This will be a weekend of learning and personal development where you can review snow stability evaluations, their limitations and how to manage groups in terrain so you don't rely on the results of snow pack testing. This would be a great 'refresh' course for anyone who has taken AST 2 and wants to revisit it with light to new data, how to use it to make decisions in a group and as a leader.
This weekend seminar will cover cognitive bias, their effects on judgement and how to encourage consensus decisions making in your group organically. The guide conducting the course, Chris Girard, started his leadership journey by leading alpine club trips and understands the level of uncertainty in leading trips. This course is interested in helping you lead trips safely for a wide variety of participants in a wide variety of conditions.
Prerequisites: Moderate skill level ability to ski black runs at a ski hill with a pack. Moderate fitness and AST2 course. This program will follow the restrictions exemption program and require either vaccination or a negative test.
The course cost is $600/day flat guide rate , so if we have six people that is just $200 each! for both days. I will wait until either I have six people on the wait list, or closer to the event so that I can confirm price per person.
REGISTRATION/PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONS -When you register for the wait list, please email Julie Morter with the following info - Confirmation that you meet the pre-requisites
- Summarize your ski touring experiences
- If you have been or are planning to be a BITS leader or ski trip leader, provide some information on that as well
I will approve individuals for payment once we have a full group of 5. That makes it easier to set the payment amount as described above. Each person will be given 5 days to pay, after which the spot will move to the next participant. Priority is not set based on skill level- I will give priority to those who are leading trips, but the difficulty of trip does not matter!
The main difference between this course and the one in February, is the incorporation of some snow science and snow packing testing in this course. The other course will use that time to dig more into trip planning.