REPEAT: Webinar Series #4: Advancing the State of Climbing Anchor Theory: Why much of what I learned and taught is wrong… - Monday, Dec 07, 2020

The Basics:
Event Type: Course 
Event Location: Online Event 
Date(s) & Time:   Monday, Dec 07, 2020 06:30 PM  
Registration Cut Off:   Sunday, Dec 06, 2020 05:00 PM  
Event Duration: 1 Day 
Difficulty Rating:   D1 - See Conversion Chart  
Trip Coordinator(s):   Ken Chatel

Participant Info:
Who's Invited:   Members Only  
Attendee Screening:   Registration is First-Come/First-Serve
Maximum Group Size: 30
Maximum No. Guests: 0
Minimum Group Size: 1
Maximum No. Guests Per Member: 0
Number Registered So Far:   30 (View sign-ups, waiting list)
Are Dogs Permitted:   No

The maximum number of attendees is 30 to reduce bandwidth issues experienced with larger groups. This is a FREE event for ACC YYC members.

This is a REPEAT of the fourth of the series of 6 webinars. In this 60 minute webinar Cyril Shokoples will present information on the some of the latest research on climbing anchors.

Some questions to be addressed?
Why do guides and climbing instructors lie to me when teaching me about anchors?
Are the SRENE and EARNEST anchor mnemonics outdated and what exactly is DARN Solid and Timely all about?
Is redundancy always the best practice?
Is equalization the best practice? (Always? Sometimes?)... and can it be achieved? (Always? Sometimes? Never?)
Are small angles in multi-point anchors the best way to go?
Are four point anchors always stronger than three point anchors?
Why do some guides intentionally chose not to equalize anchors with two bolts?

The answers to these questions may actually surprise you. Lots of testing, new research and critical thinking plus new materials and devices have now challenged many of our basic assumptions and altered some of our practices.

Cyril is an ACMG / IFMGA Mountain Guide, an ITRA Level 3 Rescue Instructor and owner of the company “Rescue Dynamics”. He joined the ACC in 1975 and has been a member ever since. He was inducted as an Honorary (Life) Member of the Alpine Club and has taught courses and guided for the ACC for decades.

Some technical details every participant needs to know: There will be a maximum of participants admitted to the webinar, so sign up early. If you are not going to attend please cancel your participation so someone else on the waiting list is allowed to attend. If you do not cancel and do not attend you may compromise your ability to sign up for any of the future webinars in this series.

This webinar will be presented using the Zoom platform. To limit the potential for the unfortunate phenomenon known as “Zoom Bombing” where uninvited guests disrupt presentations, Zoom has updated its software and we are undertaking a few additional recommended steps. Prior to joining, you should download the most recent version of Zoom or you may not be able to log in. You must sign up on the Calgary Section website as you would for any ACC Calgary trip. If you name isn’t on the sign-up list you won’t be allowed to connect to the webinar. Once you have signed up you will be sent an email the day before the webinar with the link to attend.

You are encouraged to connect to the webinar 5 to 10 minutes early where you will find yourself in a “waiting room”. A co-host will check your name and email address against the sign-up list before you will be admitted to the webinar. Note that if you attempt to join using a pseudonym other than your real name you will not be admitted. When you connect to the webinar your microphone will be muted and screen sharing and chat will be disabled, so this is not like a zoom meeting in that respect. No logins to the webinar will be accepted after 6:40 PM so please don’t try to sign in late.

There will be specified times during the session where questions and answers will be taken, at which time chat may be enabled or your microphone may be turned on at the discretion of the hosts.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
Please review our participant responsibility guidelines!

Cancellation Policy
If a participant is unable to attend a paid course or trip, there will be no refund unless the participant finds a suitable replacement that is acceptable to the trip coordinator. Acceptable waiting list candidates will have priority. It will then be the participant's responsibility to recover funds from the replacement. If the coordinator cancels an event, participants get a refund (less any non-recoverable costs). Note that ACC National does not refund hut fees due to weather, delay, closures, or any other reasons. The Calgary Section of the ACC is a not for profit club and we only charge attendees what it costs us to provide courses or trips.

Trip Feedback
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, concerning this trip or any other, we want to hear from you! You can send any feedback you may have to the Section Chair.

Registration for this event closed on Sunday, December 06, 2020 at 05:00 PM.