Leader's Choice - Sunday, Mar 15, 2020

The Basics:
Event Type: Skiing 
Event Location: TBD 
Date(s) & Time:   Sunday, Mar 15, 2020 08:30 AM (Carpool Departure: 06:00 AM @ Shouldice Park and Ride Lot)  
Registration Cut Off:   Saturday, Mar 14, 2020 05:00 PM  
Event Duration: 1 day 
Difficulty Rating:   D3 - See Conversion Chart  
Trip Coordinator(s):   Ivars Finvers
Tyler Hallman

Participant Info:
Who's Invited:   Members & Guests, 18 And Older Only  
Attendee Screening:   Attendees are Pre-Screened
Maximum Group Size: 6
Maximum No. Guests: 0
Minimum Group Size: 3
Maximum No. Guests Per Member: 0
Number Registered So Far:   5 (View sign-ups, waiting list)
Are Dogs Permitted:   No

Looking to do some turns. Destination TBD, but one choice may be the Emerald Slide Path. Destination will depend on avalanche conditions and weather.

Expecting about 1300m vertical, with a quickish pace. Should be comfortable skiing or boarding double-black.

If I (Ivars) have not skied with you before, please send me brief email to ifinvers@shaw.ca outlining your ski experience and fitness level, preferrably quantified with concrete examples.

With the Covid-19 outbreak, please do not sign up if you are sick in any way, or have travelled internationally within the last 14 days.

This trip is a "trip leader" evaluation for Ivars, so keep that in mind when choosing to sign up.

Required Items to Bring:
3 Antenna transceiver, shovel, probe, skis/splitboard, skins. Warm clothes. Food and water.

Recommended Items to Bring:
Helmet. First Aid kit, repair kit Guide tarp or other shelter. Group gear will be shared.

How to Get There:
Carpool Departure Time:   06:00 AM
Carpool Location:   Shouldice Park and Ride Lot
Carpool Directions:   https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Shouldice+Park+%26+Ride+Lot/ @51.0690021,-114.1668226,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x53716 f6253ab1acb:0x918aeda86e007788!8m2!3d51.0689987!4d- 114.1646339

Please let me know of any medical issues that may affect our trip beforehand.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
Please review our participant responsibility guidelines!

Cancellation Policy
If a participant is unable to attend a paid course or trip, there will be no refund unless the participant finds a suitable replacement that is acceptable to the trip coordinator. Acceptable waiting list candidates will have priority. It will then be the participant's responsibility to recover funds from the replacement. If the coordinator cancels an event, participants get a refund (less any non-recoverable costs). Note that ACC National does not refund hut fees due to weather, delay, closures, or any other reasons. The Calgary Section of the ACC is a not for profit club and we only charge attendees what it costs us to provide courses or trips.

Trip Feedback
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, concerning this trip or any other, we want to hear from you! You can send any feedback you may have to the Section Chair.

Registration for this event closed on Saturday, March 14, 2020 at 05:00 PM.