Let's go romp around on some easy ice!
This is a WI2/ish multi pitch and is a great line for someone's first multi pitch, or for mock-leads, or for beginner ice climbers! You need to know how to belay and have all the gear for a multi pitch- if you aren't sure what that is, email us and ask! In return, we will provide BOUNDLESS ENTHUSIASM and encouragement!
It is ok if you haven't multi-pitched before, we can help you learn.
The initial plan is to have one team, however there is often enough ice for two teams if they climb parallel to each other to avoid dropping ice. If you are interested in leading a second team, please let us know.
Typically this is a walk off but it is important you have equipment to rappell if required.
Required Items to Bring:
All of your own ice climbing gear- crampons, axes,
helmet, harness, boots, coats, gloves etc.
A locking biner for securing yourself to the
anchor, a belay device that you can rappel with,
prussic, a puffy for belay
Recommended Items to Bring:
a small pack to carry things up the climb, cord for
rescue (if you are familiar with rock rescue) cord
for v threads. Extra gloves.
How to Get There:
Event Directions:
We will leave from the hostel Saturday morning,
coordinating details Friday night
Cancellation Policy If a participant is unable to attend a paid course or trip, there will be no refund unless the participant finds a suitable replacement that is acceptable to the trip coordinator. Acceptable waiting list candidates will have priority. It will then be the participant's responsibility to recover funds from the replacement. If the coordinator cancels an event, participants get a refund (less any non-recoverable costs). Note that ACC National does not refund hut fees due to weather, delay, closures, or any other reasons. The Calgary Section of the ACC is a not for profit club and we only charge attendees what it costs us to provide courses or trips.
Trip Feedback If you have any feedback, positive or negative, concerning this trip or any other, we want to hear from you! You can send any feedback you may have to the Section Chair.
Registration for this event closed on Friday, February 07, 2020 at 05:00 PM.