AMP 3 - 5 DAY Freshfields Ski Mountaineering or Alternate - Friday, May 03, 2019

The Basics:
Event Type: Skiing 
Event Location: Somewhere high 
Date(s) & Time:   Friday, May 03, 2019 07:00 AM  
Registration Cut Off:   Friday, Apr 19, 2019 12:00 AM  
Event Duration: 5 days, 4 nights (Friday to Tues) 
Difficulty Rating:   D4 - See Conversion Chart  
Trip Coordinator(s):   Tyler Hallman

Participant Info:
Who's Invited:   Members Only  
Attendee Screening:   Attendees are Pre-Screened
Maximum Group Size: 6
Maximum No. Guests: 0
Minimum Group Size: 3
Maximum No. Guests Per Member: 0
Number Registered So Far:   4 (View sign-ups, waiting list)
Are Dogs Permitted:   No


FINISH YOUR SEASON RIGHT! This mentorship event is part of the AMP (Alpine mentorship) program organized by the ACC Calgary Alpine Chair jointly with ACMG Guide PRent Peters.  Brent will be the guide for this event. The cost is estimated to be $1750 and includes helicopter flight, camp and food for 5 days.  There is an option to participate in the flight/camp portion only, if you do not want to participate in the AMP program, cost TBD. This event is for a variety of levels, you don't need to crush vertical or have years of experience to attend.  

This event will focus on learning to lead a multi-day tent based ski tour in glaciated terrain. Learning objectives include: planning and camp preparation, rescue and emergency shelters.  

Learning related to skiing will be modeled on the Ski Guide training program. This course will push your ability and confidence as a backcountry skier. Participants can expect to leave this course with the ability to make structured and well-educated decisions to be self-sufficient in big mountain terrain. Advanced terrain recognition skills and applying snow pack characteristics to that terrain.

This AMP event focuses on travelling in alpine terrain and skiing interesting lines safely. We will also focus on student leads so the guide can offer direct feedback to participants and target learning to the students skill set.

Topics: Safe mountain travel technique, Anchor Building, Rappelling/Lowering, Safe Cornice control, Rope ascension, Crevasse rescue, Belaying for steep snow travel on mountain faces or ridges, Cliff mitigation, Sluff control, Steep Skiing tactics, Self-preservation, tactics in complex terrain, advanced snowpack characteristic recognition and quick stability assessment checks, Whiteout navigation.

Participants are required to submit a resume to be accepted into this course.


To sign up for this event:

  • Put your name on the waiting list
  • Email your experience to Tyler Hallman, tylerhallman . He will tell you if you are accepted or not
  • Once accepted, send an e-Transfer payment to the Treasurer at treasurerA  This payment must be made within 7 days of being accepted.  If you don't pay, we will move onto screening the next participant and you are moved to the bottom of the line.
  • When you send your payment, also send to  treasurerA the following information: Name, Full address including postal code, phone number, email, course/event title and date, Trip Leader/Coordinator, and the password to accept payment.
  • Email the e-Transfer evidence to the trip coordinator, Tyler Hallman, tylerhallman .  Once I have confirmation that you have paid, I will move you from the waiting to the attendee list.
Required Items to Bring:
Lists to be provided at a later date.

Cancellation/Partial Attendance:
Please review our participant responsibility guidelines!

Cancellation Policy
If a participant is unable to attend a paid course or trip, there will be no refund unless the participant finds a suitable replacement that is acceptable to the trip coordinator. Acceptable waiting list candidates will have priority. It will then be the participant's responsibility to recover funds from the replacement. If the coordinator cancels an event, participants get a refund (less any non-recoverable costs). Note that ACC National does not refund hut fees due to weather, delay, closures, or any other reasons. The Calgary Section of the ACC is a not for profit club and we only charge attendees what it costs us to provide courses or trips.

Trip Feedback
If you have any feedback, positive or negative, concerning this trip or any other, we want to hear from you! You can send any feedback you may have to the Section Chair.

Registration for this event closed on Friday, April 19, 2019 at 12:00 AM.