The Real Outdoor Climbing Knowledge
Training (ROCK IT) program is the Calgary
Section’s introduction to Rock Climbing
This is for all people new to rock climbing.
previous experience in any climbing activity is
required; however, a certain amount of basic
fitness for the approaches (max 30min) and to
carry a backpack with gear to the crag are
All ROCK IT participants must be willing to buy
basic gear (Harness, Helmet, slings etc.) and
to commit to practicing. Participants who have
attended all indoor city sessions will be given
preference for the outdoor sessions.
Rock It is not a training program for your
physical strength, but we will set you up with
the technical knowledge necessary to take part
other Section trips posted on the trip schedule
throughout the summer like the weekly Rock
as well as other ACC day and weekend trips.
The goal of the program is to take
participants from the beginner level to self
sufficient climbers who can climb on their own
and be safe and competent climbing partners.
This posting is for the First Session which
be a orientation meeting in Calgary so we can
answer your questions, set expectations, talk
about what climbing gear you need as a minimum,
and what that gear is for.
Attendees are pre-screened. To be considered
for the program, please send in an email with
the following information:
-Why you want to take part in Rock-it
-Any climbing-related goals
-If you have any previous experience (no
experience is required- this is simply for
planning purposes)
Please make sure you read the entire program
description here: